Art Gallery Sales Strategies
Your art gallery business’s success depends on strong sales of your artist’s work. Selling fine art takes a particular knowledge base, luxury sales skills, and the ability to create an exceptional experience for art buyers. Increasing gallery sales is often the most challenging part of an art dealer’s job. There is no formal training and no single way to get the job done. There are, however, techniques and sales processes that can help your art gallery increase sales.
Below you will find information, new ideas, and techniques your fine art gallery can use to increase art sales. Need personalized help?
Red Dots on Gallery Walls: How to Develop Soft Sales Skills
There are two types of sales skills required for success in the art industry; hard skills and soft skills. Soft skills are things like good communications, empathy and relationship building. These are much harder to train, but with practice they can be developed. Soft sales skills are an asset for selling fine art and yet they are often undervalued when hiring new gallery sales employees.
In this article, we will discuss how soft selling helps increase art sales and how your gallery sales consultants should be using them.
Modernize your Gallery’s Buying Experience
Art collectors have many options for buying art. The experience each offers influences their decisions. The gallery buying experience could modernize to better match people’s shopping expectations and to help strengthen the gallery’s relevancy in the art market.
Here we will explore a few ways you can increase art sales by providing exceptional buying experiences before, during, and after a sale.
Planning and Preparing Your Gallery for Art Fair Success
Let’s look at how your gallery business can make the most of art fair opportunities to grow your client base, artists’ careers, and gallery art sales revenue.
Find out how to choose the right fair, design a compelling booth, and execute a marketing strategy that captures attention. With practical advice on preparation and follow-up, this article will help fuel your art fair success.
How to Create an Integrated Online-Offline Experience for Art Buyers
COVID-19’s unprecedented impact on how you do business has further highlighted what was already an underlying problem with today’s typical art gallery business model. Art galleries need to strategically develop their online sales strategies to integrate with the face-to-face experience art collectors would have in the brick and mortar gallery.
Navigating Pitfalls in an Art Gallery Sales Strategy
A sales strategy is vital to your gallery business. When crafting a sales strategy there are things that can derail your plan, however being aware of what they are can help you avoid them. There are also several things that an effective gallery sales plan should do.
Your top priority is to increase art sales and gallery revenue. You need a sales strategy that is designed to succeed.
Checklist: Art Gallery Online Sales Strategy
To prepare for building your art gallery’s online sales strategy, use this checklist to ensure your gallery is positioned well to make the most of the online sales process.
Sales Skills: Essential Training for Gallery Sales Associates
Good art has the power to communicate on its own. However, this doesn’t guarantee that it will sell itself. In order to boost art sales in your gallery, it is important to equip your staff with certain essential skills.
By mastering these sales skills, your staff will be able to effectively engage with affluent clients who visit your gallery.
Stepping Outside the Norm: Creative Approaches to Finding Art Collectors
Finding new art collectors to support your gallery’s artists is not as challenging as it may seem, but the method has changed a bit in the last decade or so. Is your art gallery’s lead generation strategy current? This article explores ideas for ways to expand your collector base using both in-person and online methods.
Selling Art Online: Insights and Strategies for Galleries
In this article, we will discuss what motivates or deters a collector from buying online, the critical elements of developing an art gallery online sales strategy, and how to sell art online without losing that human quality of the process.
Evaluate what you are currently doing and what could be implemented to attract more art collectors who are unafraid to hit that buy button.
From Clicks to Bricks: Maximizing Sales with a Multichannel Approach
Selling art today could occur across many different channels, including in the gallery, on third-party online marketplaces, on social media, via virtual exhibitions, art fairs, through a collaborator, and on and on. The sales journey begins and weaves through many different sales and marketing channels.
In this article, let’s look at the key elements of an art gallery’s multichannel sales strategy.
Turning Tourist Sales into Repeat Sales
Do you get a lot of out of town visitors in the gallery? How do you turn vacationers into repeat sales for your art gallery? For galleries located in desirable destinations, it can mean even more opportunity to grow their customer base. Learn what other galleries are doing to boost sales.
How to Plan a Pop-Up Art Gallery
The pop-up art gallery continue to be popular as a means for an art gallery business to expand their brand awareness, increase their market and collector base and introduce their artists to new prospects.
Conquering Sales Anxiety: Proven Techniques for Selling Art with Ease
Learn tips for creating a solid mindset when engaging in sales conversations with art collectors. We will look at strategies for creating a memorable experience, selling yourself first before selling gallery art, inspiring with confidence, demonstrating the client’s best interests, and the importance of patience in the sales process.
I want all your sales associates to build strong relationships, foster loyalty, and generate positive word-of-mouth referrals – Anxiety Free.
Creating Desire, Driving Sales: The Key to Selling More Art
The pressure to sell art in your gallery can be enormous. Adopting a client-focused approach and aligning art with buyers’ desires is crucial in today’s competitive art market. Let’s talk about a fundamental sales element you can change when presenting art to new prospects.
Art Gallery Sales Plan: Begin with the Foundation
An art gallery sales plan is a strategic and tactical plan for acquiring new art buyers and growing revenue. Here I will focus on the establishing the foundation of an art gallery sales plan before creating the sales strategy element of the plan.
(updated) An Art Dealer’s Secret Weapon: The Sales Plan
To increase gallery sales, a solid annual sales plan is a must. An art gallery sales plan will help you and your staff stay focused and organized. By sharing the overall strategy with your artists, you will increase their confidence in their relationship with your gallery.
Learn how to create a plan for your gallery business.
From Silence to Sales: How to Write Compelling Gallery Sales Letters that Get Results
There is a trick to how you should structure your sales letters to keep the recipient’s attention and best appeal to their emotions. Here we discuss that structure and the two key elements your gallery’s sales message should focus on. I also give a few other tips to hook your art buyer with your letter and keep them moving through the sales cycle.
The Online Art Collector’s Perspective and Your Gallery’s Sales Strategy
Your gallery is representing your artist roster as a multichannel experience. Understanding the art collector’s perspective will help drive your online art gallery sales strategy. Let’s talk about how to fuel your online art sales.
Reasons for Publishing Art Pricing and Test Strategies
The debate about whether or not to publishing prices for artworks in the gallery online and/or on gallery walls has been going on for years now. Art dealers still seem pretty well divided on the issue. However, it seems as though the tide is finally changing in favor of being transparent about prices. This article will look at each point of view, both for and against, and cover the benefits of posting prices. We will also look at some ways your gallery business can test publishing art prices to see if it increases the quality of leads and sales.
Preparation is Key: Developing a Sales Strategy for Art Exhibitions
Here let’s look at how a defined sales plan could generate more sales from your gallery’s exhibitions. We will explore some strategies for pre-selling a show, generating real leads and sales focused follow-up during and after opening night.
Art Exhibition Labels: How they can drive gallery sales
Do you find it more challenging to get gallery visitors to slow down and really make a connection with the art on the walls? There is so much more competition and channels to see art these days. How do you stand out and make looking a more engaging experience? Art exhibition labels. The wall labels […]
Providing a Gallery Art Buying Experience for Contemporary Collectors
Competitive advantage in today’s art world will come from sellers who provide the best buying experience. In this article, I want to fuel the ways you increase traffic to your gallery and online by upping your game providing a gallery art buying experience.
How to Select an Art Gallery CRM to Help You Sell More Art
If you’re losing track of leads or dropping the ball on follow-ups, you should seriously consider your client relationship management system. Here let’s look at the benefits investing in an proper art gallery CRM system could provide your business and how to select the perfect tool for your needs.
How to Upgrade your Art Gallery’s Online Sales and Marketing Capabilities
This article explores areas to prioritize art gallery online sales and marketing strategies for your gallery business throughout the year.
Mastering the Follow-Up for Art Gallery Sales Leads
In this article, I’m going to give you a strategy that you can quickly put into practice to sell more of your artist’s work. Today you probably get leads for art sales from multiple places; in the gallery, at art fairs, and online. Every lead is an opportunity that must be pursued without being pushy.
Virtual Art Gallery Presentation Room- Best Practices
The private gallery presentation room is an incredible sales tool. It’s intimate. It’s focused. It’s controlled. How can you recreate a similar experience virtually?
In this article, I want to talk about some best practices for presenting art to clients one-on-one with video conferencing technology.
Six Quick Tips for Closing a Gallery Sale
Selling may not come naturally to you. Being a gallery professional you likely have the advantage of being genuinely passionate about what you are selling. Here are six simple sales tips to keep in mind as you approach a new collector browsing the gallery.
Increasing Corporate Art Sales
Having a plan in place to actively seek out corporate art sales should be a part of your overall gallery sales strategy. Your gallery may take one of two paths; partnering with established art consultants or building an art consultant business through your gallery. Find out how to evaluate your market and develop a corporate art program that best meets the needs of your gallery.
Selling Fine Art: Overcoming Price Objections
Inquiries about artworks in the gallery have the possibility to lift your professional soul.
Here are some strategies that art dealers can use to overcome concerns about the price of an artwork.
Case Study: How Small Market Galleries Collaborated To Attract New and Young Collectors
How does an art gallery in a small market get people new to the art world involved in the artistic community? This case study shows how galleries in one small city did it by collaborating to create an art fair that meets local needs.
Selling Art with Installments: Setting Up a System
Could a payment plan help overcome the price objection to buying art? Some art dealers do offer payment plans for art lovers, but their system has flaws which leads to difficulty. The key to success is clear, upfront communication, in writing, between you as the art dealer, the collector and the artist.
Here we will discuss how to set up a payment plan for your gallery and some helpful tips to keep in mind.
The Art Collectors of the Future: Millennials
If you want to be running a successful fine-art gallery 10 years or more from now, you need to start thinking about who your best client-base will be in the future and how you will establish a trusted relationship with them. Millennials (or Gen Y) are those born between 1983 and 2003. They are your gallery’s future.
Learn more about you can begin to attract them today and create strong gallery supporters for tomorrow.